Open Access Days 2022: Collaboration
The developments in the publication system towards more openness lead to an increase of involved actors, institutions, infrastructures, interests, technologies, professions, etc., who all have their own demands, requirements, interpretations, needs, standards, languages, etc.. One of the current challenges for OA is therefore how these actors and interests interact, how they can be included and taken into account.
This raises questions such as: Which collaborations are desirable? What positive and negative experiences have we had? How should collaborations be designed in the spirit of Open Access and Open Science? Do collaborations change the institutions in which we work? Which collaborations are strategically most valuable? Which ones should be pursued? What forms of collaboration exist?
The following dimensions of collaboration are particularly important to us at the Open Access Days:
- Collaboration among people: different languages, opinions, histories, interests, and values.
- Collaboration between machines: Interoperability, services, infrastructures, exchange of (meta-)data, dashboards
- Collaborative structures and mechanisms: different institutions, cultures, processes, goals and requirements
The conference language of the Open Access Days 2022 is German. However, contributions are also welcome in English.
About the conference
The Open Access Days are the central annual conference on Open Access in the German-speaking world. It is aimed at all those who are intensively involved with the possibilities, conditions and perspectives of scholarly publishing. This includes staff of libraries and other institutions of the science infrastructure as well as scientists and members of the science administration and publishers.
The Open Access Days 2022 will be organized by the University Library of Bern from September 19 to 21 on the Gurten in Bern.
Contributions can be submitted for the following formats: Talks, Workshops, Posters and Tool Marketplace.
Presentations with a maximum length of 15 minutes can be submitted. The program committee will form thematically coordinated, moderated sessions from the selected submissions. Each session will last 90 minutes and will include a maximum of three presentations to allow sufficient time for discussion. Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words and include brief biographical information about the individuals involved (maximum ⅓ page). If submissions are related to other submissions or you would like them to be addressed in a joint session, please note this in the submission.
We aim to record as many talks as possible and make them available online via the TIB AV portal after the conference, and to publish the presentations on Zenodo. If you do not wish to do this, please indicate so when submitting. This will of course not affect the selection process.
Practice-oriented workshops can be submitted. These are dedicated to a specific topic and last 90 minutes. The focus of the workshops is the joint, structured development of results.
Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words describing the topic and how it relates to the motto of the Open Access Days. In addition, provide the following information:
- What is the relation of the workshop to the theme of the conference?
- What is the intended target audience?
- What are the learning objectives for participants or what are the desired outcomes?
- How is the workshop structured?
- Which methods should be used? And which tools would you like to use?
- What is the maximum number of participants?
Include brief biographical information about the people involved. Keep in mind that workshops are not lecture panels and an interactive design is required.
Posters are full conference contributions and can present recent research or OA projects. All selected posters will be presented in a poster session during the conference. Poster submitters should be present during the conference, if possible, to give conference participants an opportunity for discussion.
Submissions will be subject to a selection process. Besides content-related aspects, the realization of the poster will be considered (clear structure, informative value, readability, comprehensibility, visualization, innovative design). The submitted posters should be the final versions. Sketches or concepts for presentations cannot be considered. There will be an award for the best posters during the Open Access Days.
All contributions submitted by the deadline will be reviewed by the program committee. If accepted by the program committee, the poster will be published on Zenodo under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. Please indicate the license according to the requirements of Creative Commons on the poster (correct name and link to the license text). If necessary, we ask you to clarify the rights in advance. If possible, also include the ORCID-iD of all participating submitters on the poster.
Please upload your finished poster (no abstracts) as a PDF file to the Conftool.
Tool Marketplace
The Tool Marketplace is a demo session for non-commercial software applications (preferably open source) related to OA. Tools should be briefly presented by the submitters via live demos and then exchanged with the participants on possible applications and feedback. Tools that are related to the motto "Collaboration" are especially welcome.
The following information should be provided for submissions to the Tool Marketplace session:
- Description of the tool
- If possible, a link to the executable version of the application
- Information about the software license
- Information about the relationship of the submitter to the presented software
- Information about special technical requirements for the presentation
Please submit an abstract of 300 words or less. The abstract must include a link to the tool and/or the project associated with it.
As in previous years, we would like to engage particularly committed, communicative participants of the Open Access Days as moderators to help make the conference a success. If you have experience in moderating lectures, workshops or discussion events, we would be pleased to receive an expression of interest as a moderator for the Open Access Days 2022. The tasks include the introduction of the speakers, a binding time management and the moderation of the discussions.
The moderators will be selected by the program committee, receive a moderation guide in advance, and are invited to participate in a briefing via video conference. During the Open Access Days, the moderators are usually present at the conference venue.